Christian Cross Books

Information about Christian Cross and his books.

Inspirations for my books

Christian Cross wasn’t an author prior to writing Extraction: A Song for Emma. He didn’t even like to read. He felt inspired by God to write in 2019 but he didn’t find time until the day after Christmas of that same year.

While writing his first book, he spent time learning how to write. It took him from December 26, 2019 – March 18, 2020 to write the first draft of Extraction. The first draft had 29 Chapters and 59,790 words. Draft 2 of the book took him from April, 2020 – June 2020 but he was only able to rewrite the first 4 chapters. He then decided to start draft#3 which involved rewriting the entire book from a 3rd person  to a 1st person perspective. It involved rewriting 95% of the book, a lot was added and taken away. The book increased in size to 38 chapters and 69,995 words. By the time draft#8 was written, the book had increased to 42 chapters and 104,674 words.  Inspiration for writing other books, including children’s books, came as a result.

Inspirations for my books
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